I came to the conclusion I can only handle life moment by moment. Many times I get caught up in this thought process that I can handle now and the future. The truth is, life is too unpredictable for me to be fooled into thinking I can handle anything more than a moment by moment process. Sometimes life can be too much to handle day by day. For instance, I have a ton of exciting events taking place this year. The trap I fall in is dwelling on how I will proceed with these monumental moments all at once. When I fall in this trap my thoughts start bombarding me, ultimately this leads to a diminished level of excitement. I want to encourage you to not fall into this trap. God never asked us to take on the present and future at once, He wants us to focus on the now. Every moment we have on this earth is a precious moment that deserves to be prized. One of many things I love about God is that He never gives us more than we can handle. Tomorrow has enough troubles of it's own. It is time to cherish the moment today, live in the now. This is something I am challenged to do on a daily basis and I want to encourage you to do the same. Focus on the now, and everything else will fall in place.
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